The blog is broken up into two parts: trip reports and guidebook info. Jeremiah and John provide trip reports while Greg provides both trip reports and guidebook info.
What's up with all the "nicknames" you ask? It's simple: we want to tell our stories without putting those who are involved in our adventures in any kind of harm or awkward position (think stalking boss finding that sick day was spent six pitches up under the glorious desert sun instead of at the doctor's office). Our position is that if you're writing then you use your real name, but that you don't use anyone else's name or a nickname that will easily identify that person. The only exception to this is me, since I'm the owner. Jeremiah has threatened to create a nickname for me when he writes his posts, but being the owner I want to be visible (that and it makes it easy to not get tagged with a bad nickname!). And yes, I know that some of the nicknames aren't always so obscure. If you know the climber in question, then you can put the real name and nickname together easily. We're not so worried about that. We're more worried about people's non-climbing lives.
Greg's Route Index: As noted above, Greg also provides guidebook info on many of the climbs he gets on. This site is organized for easy browsing of specific climbs so you don't have to search the main blog itself for info on whether or not you'll need that #4 Camalot on the fifth pitch of Olive Oil in Red Rocks (yes, you do). Greg also blogs for climbing magazine. These posts tend to be different from the ones posted on A Climber's Life. Check it out for more summerical and lifestyle type pieces.
Greg's Travel Blog: Greg travels more than just for climbing. Click here for other travel stories and tips on visiting foreign lands.
Greg Mason Burns: Greg is also an artist currently living in the south of Brazil. Check out his website to see some of his art.
Comments are always welcomed, particularly if we screwed something up. But we like good comments, too! Criticisms are certainly acceptable, but only if they are constructive or in good taste. Anonymous bullshitters will have their comments deleted, and we're not going to apologize for that.
Ads: Yeah, there are ads on the main blog. Greg made a total of $2.34 in the first two years on the ads. Trust us when we say that you're not paying for our climbing trips.
Other Links and stuff: We may link or add info from other people's sites, but that in no way means we necessarily condone what goes on over there. Still, they're mostly our friends and we'd appreciate it if you gave them a little love, too.
Copywrite: Greg owns this site and all of his posts. Jeremiah and John own all of their posts. Don't copy us because it isn't your's to copy.
A big thanks to all our fans!